
These serve as control measures by an impartial third party, demonstrating that there is reasonable confidence that a properly identified product, process, or service is in accordance with a particular standard or with some other normative document.

Source: DIN EN ISO/IEC 17000:2004 Conformity assessment

DIN EN ISO 50001 - Energy management system
  • The implementation of an energy management system helps companies to reduce their energy consumption in the long term and to continuously analyze and improve energy efficiency in their processes.

    Environmentally conscious production and the conservation of resources are thus aspired to.

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IFS Food
BRC Food
ORGANIC in accordance with the German Öko-Basis-Verordnung (Basic Eco Regulation)
  • EU Organic logo (EU Regulation) applies to all pre-packaged, organically produced food produced in an EU Member State that meets the strict standards of EU Organic Farming regulations.

    For example, no preservation with ionizing radiation, no use of genetically modified organisms or synthetic pesticides, and easily soluble mineral fertilizer.

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  • Identifies a product that contains Fairtrade-certified raw materials.
  • Use in agriculture (Among others: Cocoa, tea, bananas)
  • Objective: Improving trade conditions for disadvantaged farmers and producers in developing countries. Compliance with social, environmental, and economic standards

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Rainforest Alliance-certified
RSPO to support sustainably-produced palm oil

As part of the certification and self-monitoring, our production is announced and monitored on an unannounced basis by both external and internal experts.

That makes us

  • Best quality
  • Sustainability at all levels
  • Tailored products
  • Innovations